Falling between the cracks

Originally uploaded by souldelightful.
I have figured out what is wrong with me! Nothing, I think? Well whether something is wrong with me or not, I am ok with it. Sometimes I feel like the little girl crawling on the pumpkins. She is balancing between reality and fantasy but she likes it. Can't you see the smirk on her face. She likes being on the edge. At any moment she could fall to her death or least bump her head real bad. :0)
I just out in a tag for a picture but I am not sure that it will work. So if you see code in this post that is why.
I was reading Dress Your Family in Denim and Corduroy by David Sedaris and I was kind of offended by what he said in the book, but I kept on reading it. There was a part in the book that was talking about when he was a kid he would try to make snowman in South Carolina, but there was not enough snow. So the snow would mix with the mud and they would call them Snow Negroes. Thats horrible uhh? But he said it like it was nothing. But I kept on reading even though, because I decided that I can't be offended by everything. But what does offend me is when my roommate Jessica, questions my reasoning for being offended, like I am being ridiculous and need to get over myself. Maybe I do, but some things that she says I am imagining, I am not! When she has grown up half of her life internalizing racism and hating who she is just because of the color of her skin, then she can talk to me like I am being ridiculous. Until then I do not want to hear it!
I made a joke yesterday to the same roommate about where does the day go. it just walked right out door and did not say where it was going. We thought it was funny and said the day was jsut being irresponsible, etc. I only have like almost two weeks left in Columbia and then I am out. It is going to be so weird not to come back. I don't know how it will actually feel until I do leave, but I do feel a little anxiety about it. Normally I leave, but I always come back. I think the next couple of days I will devote a post to some thing I will miss in Columbia. Hopefully I will have pictures that represent this longing.
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