Born out of Wrath

Sometimes I get so angry when I think about how Adam and Eve screwed things up for us, but then I realize that is the sin living within me and I should just accept their choices by letting the spirit inside me grow. Their same faults are my truth, meaning I am no different and their story is my story. I went to church today, and I have been going on a regular basis. As usual the word was good. I say this all the time, to put your hope in God, but today during church I realized I don't follow my own advice given to me by the holy spirit. I have told myself that I will never find love and I feel beaten up by the pressures of society. "Thanks be to God-through Jesus Christ Our Lord." But I just need to be free! Too many times women try to change to be more compatible with the man in their life. Unless it is a good change that glorifies God, I think its a mistake. When I say you need to be true to yourself, I am talking about not denying the truth that lives within you. Yes it is hard, but you have to overcome, because the only hope in this life is God. The older I get I form certain beliefs and almost all of them are affirmed by the bible, which makes me believe that the bible is the most relevant book of our times, that not enough people spend enough time with. So people turn away when I start to talk about God, or just stop listening as they the bob their head in accordance. But I think its because the bible and God have been stereotyped and people see it as being oppressed and not opening your mind up to the world. Well I learned more about the world and the mind was expanded 10 times fold, when I started trying to figure out who this mysterious character is called God. Why would you ignore something that is so big and trancends all cultures, languages, and people? Andd a true thinker would definitely ask them self this. Finding truths out about yourself can be hard and scary.

I was lost for a time, in the world of another, that was just trying to pull me down into the muck. Clip my wings, figuratively, as some would say. I am so happy that I am free of him now, and know that he can not hurt me. He has no power over me. I never doubted that God would pull me out, but I just did not know how long I would be susceptible to his cunning ways. I am happier now, because I am in harmony with God right now. I know it is a cycle and there will always be something else that tries to pull me away, but right now I am just basking the glow of His love and knowing that I am right with Him. It feels like going through a winter, which I just experienced, and then sitting outside on the first sunny day soaking in the rays. just think about how much of a better world this would be if everyone embraced God the way I try to. To just want to learn and understand the God that made us all.
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