The Day after Tomorrow

Yesterday was my 25th birthday and it was very surreal and kind of sad. I am a very social person and I think of myself likeable or at least memorable. My two best friends from Missouri, Erin and Maresa, my soul sisters, called me early in the morning serenading me awake with songs of joy and celebration. If they hadn't called me I would have forgiven them. I would forgive anyone that would forget to call and wish me happy birthday, because really it's the friendship, the relationship that is important not if they have a good memory and I am their earth and they are my moon. My father called me on my birthday, but not to wish me a happy 25th birthday. Instead he called to inform me that this young lady was in trouble. I had gotten a speeding ticket in Pasadena and I refused to pay it because it was an obvious speed trap. I chewed the cop of course and he told me that this was not a court room and if I wanted to plead my case I can tell it to the judge on my assigned court date. He knows the only thing that judge is there to do is to make money for the city of Pasadena to make sure his salary and his is paid. Well, neways he was lecturing me on how I can not fight the system cause I will not win. He said that he would pay it and I told him did not have to. After all that and a brief goodbye there were no birthday wishes sailed my way or even a mere acknowledgement for the day that I was brought into the world with help from his sperm. My mother did get her birthday call in at 10 pm, Cali time, midnight, H-town time. She exclaimed that she was playing cards but wanted to say Happy birthday. I appreciated the thought and I did not expect the woman who birthed me to forget, but anything is possible. My brother did not call me at all. I was surprised by that but he does have a lot on his mind considering that he is starting his first year in college.

One ray of sunshine in my life is that my roommate, Deb, gave me a homemade card along with a $25 giftcard for iTunes. Maresa mailed me a package of music and giftcard for bath and body works that arrived on my birthday. I smiled at her and at God. She had some inspiring verses from Ephesians that I really needed to hear and had almost forgotten about. Almost. She said in a letter that she is praying for me and I then I thought I can not remember the last time I prayed. Considering that I am at a crossroads right now in my life it would be really dumb if I did not look for God's counsel in this situation. I think that I would be prone to make serious mistakes if I do not pray. I like my sanity that I have right now and I want to keep it. :0)

Speaking of sanity, my mother left last Sunday. She came to visit for almost a week. It was nice seeing her, but it was also good to get back to the normalcy of my life. She is very demanding even though she tried not to be. I was really stressed one day cause she was putting pressure on me to take her places so she could have pictures of a vacation to show off at work. I was really annoyed. The next day we got in an argument about me paying school loans off and then I said, "Mom, you did not even pay off your school loans." Then she said, to the amusement of my father when I was retelling him about the confrontation later, "You, Bitch!" I could not believe it. i mean really. Family will so do you over. Well she did tell me earlier, proudly that she had not taking her anti-depressants all summer and that she felt good. But I guess she did have anyone around like me to push her buttons. She later apologized, which I excepted and I was past the whole incident altogether. One funny memory about her visit is after we got off the Bart were heading to the car in the parking lot to head back to San Jose, after spending the day in San Francisco, she squats down between the cars and proceeds to pee. I could not believe it! I just got in the car and started to laugh hysterically. You can take the girl out of the hood, but you can't take the pee out of the girl :0) Right now I am listening to Blue Orchid by the White stripes. I like it . I love it . I live it. Get Behind me...Satan
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