Friends, How many of us have them?

Do you remember that song from the 80's? Friends, how many of us have them? Let's be friends...So this past week, my best friend from High school came to visit her ex-boyfriend, Reggie, in Detroit. And while she was here she called me up to hang out for two days. She is the same introspective person. She went afro. I am telling you its a pandemic. Its nice to know that I was one of the first to go afro, before it became trendy. I am such a rebel. :0) Really just an individual even if it kills me. :0)

Her and Reggie are really funny and they spontaneously just started to break it down in the kitchen cause we are all dance junkies. No seriously we were apart of a dance crew called dance junkies.

It was nice to have someone from home to see in Detroit. But realistically she did not come to see me and that became brutually apparent when she did not call for the rest of the week after haning out on Sat and Mon. I was disappointed cause I was really excited that she was coming. I don't have anyone to do fun things with here in Detroit. And maybe thats because I chose for it to be like that. but whatever the reason things were not like i thought they would be when she called me up last week to tell me she is coming. Oh well. Life goes on.

Reggie is really funny and I hope we hang out some here in Detroit. We don't have to be best friends, but I just need some to chill with and dance with. I think I am going to call him and invite him to lunch next week. Isn't this photo hilarious. It was totally spontaneous and I don't know why he made that face. Funny :0)

They are always off and on again for the past 5 years. There status now is not together and I think that is because it would be a long distance relationship and they didn't want that. They kind of drove each other crazy, but they both still talk about marriage. I can't see them with anyone else, but then I don't see them married. I don't see Sandra married. I don't see myself married, but I want to.

I don't know. I can't explain it. A lesbian picture between friends. :0) We had fun while hanging out. She said I am back to the old Kim. The Kim she remembers from our youth. The Kim I guess that was confident and sexy. Whatever. I don't know if that Kim ever existed. It was probably just hormones. :0) She asked what did Missouri do to me. I think that its just another layer of who I am. Really I think its the hair if you want to know the truth...
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