
There she is ladies and gentlemen, the constant driving force behind our family getting together. The one, the only, the proud, the trophy-beauty contest winning, Adora. Yes she is in her terrible twos so when she gets mad there is nothing that can appease her and all she yells between her muffled cries is Mama, but she doesn't want her mama. Very complicated.

So for Thanksgiving I went to Virginia to be with my mother's side of the family. My mother, although, did not grace us with her presence. She called me surprising enough, while I was there but did not want to talk to anyone from her family. I am at a coffee shop and there is this white girl with the typical valley girl accent, but I remind you, we are no where near the valley, keeps talking and she is annoying. I don't want to hear her nasily voice. But I am sure if I was here with my friends, talking loud, she would be annoyed. So really what it comes down to is prejudice. She is obviously different from me, which i recognize not by the color of her skin but by her vernacular. So it's cultural prejudices. I have moved past color prejudice. At its basic level though it is still the differences between us that divide us. There has to be young educated black women like me in this city. I just need to find my peers.

So my family is fun, but they are also high drama and sometimes they get on my nerves. I guess to have a good thing there has to be some bad to balance it out. Everyone has such attitudes and everyone is spoiled and used to getting their own way. Of course when I say everyone, I mean myself as well. But I am the most agreeable and willing to compromise person in the group, but I think as I get older I have become less agreeable, because I noticed when things happened that I would normally accept and just do whatever was told of me, I questioned, sometimes verbally. To be truthful I hate being with my family sometimes because they take their baggage out on me. My aunt orders me around with a nasty attitude all the time because she is still angry at my mother for not taking her anywhere when they were kids. So she takes it out on me. I just want to say no sometimes, unless you ask nicely. It really makes me not want to be around them, because it brings up my childhood stuff of how she was to me my whole life actually. I hate it. Its not fair, I have never done anything to her. I have always obeyed her and surprisingly enough I have never talked back to her. Never! and that is surprising for me.

This is my unlce and that is all I have to say about that. He is who he is. He is very comlplicated and the only boy in his family so he does whatever he feels like doing, besides doing what men are suppossed to do. My problem is that I compare him to my father. My father is no where near perfect, but I appreciate what he does as a man a lot. With not questions asked, he packs the trunk of cars, he gets the family together to do things. My father has never put his feelings before the group as a whole. If he is having issues he swallows it. Maybe thats because he had to deal with the death of both his parents at the age of 19 and still try to graduate from college. I really respect who he is. He is a great man. He may have some issues with appropriately expressing his feelings, but when it comes down to the bottom line I know that I can depend on him. If I find a guy half the man that my father is, I would be so lucky. And this is a new revelation for me. I think when I was younger I did not understand him. I did not grow up in his household. I moved in with him my second year in high school and it took for me to grow up, for us to have a real relationship and now my relationship with my mother is faltering. Such is life. You go up the hill and then you have to go down the hill to get to the other hill.

So since I went to Virginia, my cousin and I have been talking on the phone alot. We had a run in in Virginia, but it was different this time from when we were kids and it would usually end in blows to the head. She started yelling at me cause she could not find Adora's movie and I was the last one using the DVD player. So I was the culprit. I told her that she could not just yell at me and acuse me of something that I am not responsible for. So after ignoring me, yelling at me three different times, and telling her mom that she was not going to talk to me the rest of the time I was there, she comes back upstairs and apoligizes to me for accusing me of losing or taking Adora's DVD. I was very surprised and it humbled my sprirt alot. She has definitely changed. I was surprised. So I looked for the DVD and then I found it in Adora's room in a corner. It looked suspicious like I had it the whole time and just appeared with it. But I really just found it sitting in a corner. So then she helped me look for my hat that I could not find and I was frantic about because I had spent $30 from Urban Outfitters.

There she is again. She really is a beautiful baby, but really I am not surprised and she has a cool personality. I think I like her. :0)

See my crazy family and as Chris Rock would say, you always have that Alcoholic Uncle, Lazy Uncle, and Molestor Uncle. Can you guess which uncle I have? :0) Just a joke. But hella funny. Comment if you can guess what kind of Uncle I have. :0)

This is my Uncle's girlfriend. She is really cool and really giving, but she can get sassy. I have a funny story about how we went shopping the day after Thanksgiving when she almost got into a fight in the dressing room of the Limited because the fitting room clerk told her she could leave her purse in a room and then another clerk let a woman into the fiitting room with her purse in there. She asked the lady to open the door so she could get her purse and I guess the lady said no. All I heard was her yelling and I thought to myself, that can't be Deitral. Well it was and the lady ended up slamming the door in Deitral's face after she got her purse out. So before that spectacle, Adora went into a fit and Mary had to take her out of the store and give her a spanking in the bathroom. When I went to go find her, I found them in the corner of the mall and her earring was half way across the floor. I guess her and Adora had a tussle. I told Adora I would buy her a juice, if she promised to act right the rest of the time. I told you my family is high drama. Its just tiring writing about it.

A mother and daugher relationship, undefinable. When they start out, you can do no wrong as a mother in their eyes. Then as they grow up they begin to notice your insecurities because they begin to affect who you are as a person in a negative way and you don't like it. But in all that there is always love.

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