Lost in Detroit: 8 Degrees

It is eight degrees right now in Detroit. I can not begin to explain how that feels. To say the least it is cold. SO cold that you feel it in your bones and it takes a half hour to feel normal again after spending five minutes outside. Its so cold that dogs refuse to pee, snow turns to ice, and old feelings freeze over. I am officially the ice queen. I have always been known for my stone cold emotions, but now they are ever more present. Every day he says to me, you are so mean. He has no idea. I don't even say anything to him, but I guess thats what constitutes my meanness. Feel the chill, because it is the only defense I have left. I hate to be this way, but I feel like Bush in the Iraq war. My back is up against the wall. If given the choice, I would probably just drop a bomb on the people that tried to kill my spirit as my last line of defense against the axises of evil. LOL

Don't be fooled by the sunshine. You would think the sun would melt away the cold, like aleve is to pain, but it is even more frigid than can be expected. The wind blows across the snow, that reflects blinding light. The icicles on the tree branches crackle and hiss with the beauty of frozen crystal droplets of water. The same beauty carries a load that is too much for the branches to carry and the treelimbs break off, snapping like a candycane at christmas time. The sadness of its beauty is almost too much to bare, but in the relevant desolation, there is a comforting thought of rythmic succession of life. The limbs are broken and in its saddest, maybe even most painful moment, the tree could not look more beautiful.
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