Dance Dance Dance

"The blue of this sky
Sounds so loud that it can be heard
Only with our eyes."-Haiku by Richard Wright
This is my world now. Hidden from me in the versuses of Haiku that don't make sense, but they do. Some where deep down inside I understand the feeling, but can't relate to the sounds of the words. Unspoken truths craddle my head as I sleep and dream of fantasy that I call reality. That doesn't make sense to me, but its the most honest thing I have said all week. With out thought or concern of consequence I just am and I let my words just be. Erin wanted me to write this blog, but it takes so much out of me sometimes to do this. I feel like its a delusion sometimes. But I do it cause I love my friends. Friends are important to survival in life. One man can not stand alone. Its hard, but soon enough the world will break you down and whether you want to or not, you will bow to its will.

"No star and no moon:
A dog is barking whitely
In the winter night."-Haiku by Richard Wright
Their is inspiration for life all around us. My biggest fear is being so caught up in myself that I will become blinded by my own sad melancholoy and miss all the real beauty surrounding me like papier-mache lanterns glowing from cherry blossoms trees in the silk of night. I think sometimes we are so busy dancing through life that we get dizzy. Why don't we just sit down and take a break? Like a Mariah moment! :0)

"Trembling on the wall,
A yellow water shadow
From the lake outside." -Haiku by Richard Wright
Even when you are alone you are not alone. Surrounded by 100s of people can feel lonely if you feel like you can not relate to all the people around you. That there is not one thing you have in common, but there is one thing you have in common. Your spirit. The life inside of you that rises in your chest is a sign of your maker, your God, your Master. If anything you have him in common. Although some do not recognize his persistent embrace. I know that is the only thing that keeps me going. I love my God and I know he loves me. Love is a life-giving, honest, never-chaning ministry. To me love is also the most painful thing that exists on earth. I can't help but think about Jesus' love for us and how painful it was for him. As christians we are to follow his way and be of him. Is that why love hurts so much, and makes you feel so vulnerable? It is the most honest, raw, life-giving, and ever-changing thing. I hide from it, because I can not control it and I do not like that feeling of falling or in my case jumping. If you fall its an accident right, but love is never an accident. You make a decision to jump, a suicidal decision if you ask me. But thats because I am a cynic.

"Even the cat smiles
When the hen swallows water
with the black-tilted head."-Haiku by Richard Wright
Is that not the funniest thing you have ever read? I love it. It makes me giggle that little school-girl giggle. You know the one you cover you mouth and bat your eyelashes. I am sure that cat does not really get along with the hen, but nevertheless they have a relationship. They would probably be best friends, if the cat did not want to eat the hen. Don't you feel like you have relationships like that in your real life. Do you feel like the hen or the cat sometimes? Just laughing, because that is the only thing you can do. I can overcome my urge to eat someone and make friends, but anything more than that I am not available.

"A leaf chases wind
Across an autumn river
And shakes a pine tree."- Haiku by Richard Wright
"With the forest trees cut,
The lake lies naked and lost
In the bare hills."- you know who
"With mouth gaping wide,
Swallowing strings of wild geese,-
Hungry autumn moon.
"Before blossoming,
A cherry bud looks eager,
As if about to speak."