Just for you
There might be some hesitation to type on my blog, because there is pressure coming from outside sources. With coy eyes he asks when are you making a new entry on your blog? Do I look stupid? Then he tells me his dad also knows my blog address. So you know the first thing I wanted to do was write on my blog to show that I am not scared. I don't call it fear though. I think of it more as common sense.
I'll give you this. HE sent me a pix text about some black love signs. There are numerous problems I have with this, but for starters I will have to point the obvious. "Black Love" So what astrological signs are different for black people than for people of other races? Obviously that is a lie. Just a ploy to sell books, to relate to a certain market. Whatever. Then it says what most people fear about there relationship, which is possible in every relationship, no matter what their birth sign is. It says two leos together is double trouble. How ingenious. Then it says the relationship will start out perfect, but towards the end it will have troubles, and our hard-headiness or something like that, will get in the way. WOW that is sooooo inciteful. Where did they come up with that? And where do these people come from who write these books just to mess with people. In no way can that be helpful to anyone. My two cents.